Wednesday, March 4, 2020

School Replaced Detention With Meditation And It Created Incredible Results - Healthy Food House

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Numerous researchers and experts have questioned the effects of detention on kids’ development. Detention is punishment, so we can all agree on is that it is always experienced negatively, and children understand it as an attempt to shame them. Therefore, any alternative to detention that will not affect the self-esteem of children would be more …

The Robert W. Coleman School in Baltimore replaced detention by disciplining students’ thoughts instead, and it was found to be highly successful. In a partnership with the Holistic Life Foundation, it introduced the Mindful Moment Room, where students learn to calm and deal with stress and anxiety.

The room is decorated, and filled with lamps and purple pillows. Kids who misbehaved are there encouraged to sit and meditate, to calm and re-center. Over time, the effects of the change surprised many- suspension rates were drastically lower.

For the health of your children

This school set an excellent example of student-centered education by being open to new potential methods that might help kids in the process, and let’s hope other schools will follow suit.

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Detention might have been efficient once, as it was the most reasonable form of discipline, but nowadays, I believe it is useless and needs to be replaced.

It has never truly changed students’ behavior, and it never will, as we cannot make a change by being passive. Instead, we should take responsibility for ourselves, the educational system, and the community and start acting. 

Moreover, students claimed that the program even changed their lives- meditation helped them focus on tests even amid the noise, taught them to control anger by breathing in and out, and helped them build their character.

The meditation room is part of an after-school program called Holistic Me, which involves children from pre-K through the fifth grade. The initiative encourages children to talk to behavioral professionals, while they learn to practice mindful meditation and breathing exercises.

The process involves anger management, stress, anxiety and acting out behavior. Often the students bring meditation and yoga home to their parents.  

This learned skill will carry them through the rest of their lives.

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School Replaced Detention With Meditation And It Created Incredible Results - Healthy Food House:

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