Anti-5Gers to replace anti-Vaxxers

There is no science that proves ill-health impacts from 4G or 5G, Telstra chair John Mullen has said.

There is no magic about 5G. It uses a higher portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (radiofrequency). The 4G LTE spectrum has just about run out of spectrum.

Rumors about the safety of 5G coming from Australia are not scientifically valid. Other rumors such as 5G being more hazardous in the northern hemisphere due to a shift in the magnetic poles and anti 5Gers have joined the likes of anti-vaxxers.  5G is not required to enter kindergarten.

Health care

It is anticipated that 5G will have effects on healthcare, but not due to any effect on human health or wellness. Ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC) component of 5G could fundamentally change health care. Since URLLC reduces 5G latency even further than what you’ll see with enhanced mobile broadband, a world of new possibilities opens up. Expect to see improvements in telemedicine, remote recovery, and physical therapy via AR, precision surgery, and even remote surgery in the coming years.

Remember massive Machine-Type Communications? mMTC will also play a key role in health care. Hospitals can create massive sensor networks to monitor patients, physicians can prescribe smart pills to track compliance, and insurers can even monitor subscribers to determine appropriate treatments and processes.

5G and mMtC will allow the use of installed power line infrastructure to transmit 5G

Autonomous vehicles

Expect to see autonomous vehicles rise at the same rate that 5G is deployed across the U.S. In the future, your vehicle will communicate with other vehicles on the road, provide information to other cars about road conditions, and offer performance information to drivers and automakers. If a car brakes quickly up ahead, yours may learn about it immediately and preemptively brake as well, preventing a collision. This kind of vehicle-to-vehicle communication could ultimately save thousands of lives.

Remote device control
Since 5G has remarkably low latency, remote control of heavy machinery will become a reality. While the primary aim is to reduce risk in hazardous environments, it will also allow technicians with specialized skills to control machinery from anywhere in the world.

One of the most exciting and crucial aspects of 5G is its effect on the Internet of Things. While we currently have sensors that can communicate with each other, they tend to require a lot of resources and are quickly depleting LTE data capacity.

Telstra chair likens 5G health truthers to anti-vaccination and Flat Earth movements | ZDNet:


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